Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Faith...in 4D

I wanted to open this blog with an insight about me. I have been pregnant many times (we'll just say more than 3!) and birthed 3 beautiful little babies. I am learning that technology can not always prepare us or help us with the childbirthing experience. Nor can all the technology in the world replace the sight of your newborn baby finding it's way to the world. As a mom, women and child of God, I am constantly unprepared for this wonder of the world. A Miracle.

Such is my faith...unprepared for the trials but a miracle of Hope that springs forth from within me.

I choose this picture because it has captured the idea of my faith in 4D! 4D is the technology that has in most situations allows parents to see their child's actual face so that you can see their little features. Of course, Noah could not be still long enough for our poor technician to capture a still image on film. We did see Noah smile at us, wave and could make out his adorable little face, but were unable to have an image to last a lifetime. Only memories...sweet memories. For medical reasons, the images 4D provided cleared the original cause for concern and we were swept away with emotions.

Today riding in the van, my 6 year old son asked about the 'rising with wings like eagles' he heard in a song. I recited Is 40:31 "but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles;they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." He was not amazed by the verse or my ability to memorize, but I began to cry at the craziness that has been this week. If you took a 'still image' of my day yesterday it would have been blurry with motion and not a clear picture of the Faith I profess.

So, I realized in thinking about pictures this morning that for someone to see my Faith, they can not try to take a still image of it. My observation then turned to the reality that in order to wait on the Lord, I may have to actually run...or walk for a long time...and thus, the verse provided me with a comforting Peace. "...not be weary.."

My Faith is in motion...like taking breaths...but let me not grow weary. I must continue to pursue His Cause and move as fast or as slow as life demands, and let God worry about the images people see.

My prayer is that I will remember to seek God for the rest I need as in Matthew 11: 28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

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