Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eggs & Glory

Easter weekend was definitely our most busiest weekend since Noah's birth. Friday night was the egg hunt at the YMCA, Saturday was Madisen's birthday party at a local park, then off to Brandon for a meeting with a portion of the volunteers for Real Fest, and Sunday was church with a dinner to cook once we got home. And did I mention I was suppose to fill eggs, baskets and hide things on Sunday? 

So, before the weekend got underway, I took a night on Thursday to go by a local church and watch their production of Forgotten, a production for Easter. 

I realize that this might be a solid weekend of fun for some, but for this mom... well, my three small people tend to be extra greedy and irritable when any one of them has a birthday. So, this was no walk in the park ~ literally! Though, passionate about their candy, my children don't get it very often and the extra sugar was showing. Mommy was at the end of her rope before Friday night even got underway.  Then the real DRAMA unfolded at the Y. The Y was unprepared for the turn out and did not think through a few of the decisions ahead of time. Which left parents like me and Asa confused and in a daze trying to figure out how our children waiting for more than 30 minutes to not get to pick up any eggs, or only a few. (2 & 3) My children were THANKFULLY content with us allowing them to play in the field with their friends from church and eventually went home happy.

The birthday party was at least a moment to relax... except that I got to the park to decorate the shelter and realized I had forgotten ALL of the cupcakes AND the Popsicles! 

Anecdote for this Easter weekend was:
"The world will pass away and with it the sculpture's work, but our children's souls will live on for eternity."*1

I had to focus on the eternal meaning of this weekend, not the pounded headache or the hustle and bustle or even the perfect outfit that just got covered in dirt.  This life doesn't go on forever, but I can affect the shaping of my children's souls by showing them (without complaining) what the Love of this season is for.  

I was reminded of all of this as I arrived (late of course), frustrated and hot to the meeting with other volunteers to talk about our testimonials. It was my turn first, as I had already been warned. I had prayed on the way there and was not quite ready to swallow my pride and dismiss my disappointments of the day. ~ Looking into the eyes of the people who sacrificed MUCH more than I had for this festival/event I drew a breath of humility and recited the amazing things God showed me in the weekend prior. I began to hear the amazing things from others that happens in God's Glory and how we can do nothing that compares to what happens as we prepare a place for the Glory to show up ~ and wait for it.

Sunday did meet me by surprise and we did let the little people sleep in but God's presence was felt in the story of His love for me as I worshiped with a local body of Christ. While they served Him and my children, I was really blessed.


citation *1 :

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