Thursday, May 28, 2009


Some people would like to believe that they always have the right answers.

Some people think the right answer only lies with the one making the decision.

Some people think not about what is right or wrong but focus on what they want as a conclusion.

Some people really think that what others think is more valuable than the real choices at hand.

I am amazed that some people think that if a 'majority' think something is right...it must be.

My favorite is when someone simply believes whatever anyone tells them is the right choice, then they met another person who changes their mind again...and so on.

Often I tend to fall into one of these categories, not typically on purpose but I admittedly can become blinded by my perspective.

Blinded is the word I use because I am understanding more about how our paradigm really shifts our ideas of truth. The truth is that not all people on Earth will accept the God of the Trinity. The truth also is that I can not always make each decision correctly. The reality of truth can often be hindered by our past and our paradigms. The truth of a spiritual world existing can leave some people wondering how it all fits together, but given the perspective of loosing a close family member and they too begin to care not how it fits together but simply that it all must exist.

My past can shape my perspective in a good way and focus my perspective on the BIG picture of the truth within this reality of life. It can also twist the way I want or choose to see others, myself and ultimately if a God who loves me created this world to be good.

I have struggled with others perspective of the past in the last few months. I say struggled because sometimes I just don't always understand how someone can see their memories twisted into something very different than what happened.

I need to clarify that I am not referring to one persons memory versus anothers, but a definite change in facts regarding the reality of the past. So, I am not referring to someone's understanding or misunderstanding of simple moments in time but rather a gross misrepresentation of a larger scale and for a long period of time.

I guess what I struggle with is that point in someone's life where they must need to be a victim or they have a current event in their life that must ONLY logically be linked to some past trauma. Then in order to align with what "everyone" says MUST have happened they create a feeling of being mistreated as a child or twist their memories to fit in to that category. The REALITY of our perspective is that when we think the same thing over and over, dwell on it and talk about it with sympathetic peers then we will believe that our first (and true) memories where the ones we wanted to be BUT the NEW (and false) memories are the truth we "buried".

Why can't people just decide to make choices BECAUSE that is the choice they want to make...why does it have to be someone else's problem or burden?

It would be easy if everyone just had the same paradigm! Although, I think I would like it more if everyone just took responsibility for their own choices and accept it when we think others choices are wrong.



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