Friday, April 24, 2009

Miss America Water Cooler

Ok, by now everyone has heard or talked about the Carrie Prejan topic around the water cooler. If you have no idea what I am talking about...well, your head was in the sand but I understand! She was in the lead and winning the Miss America pageant until Perez Hilton (not the name his mother gave him) celebrity judge asked a controversial guestion.

Here's my soap box! I FIND IT TO BE THE PERFECT SCENE to show AMERICA what this nation HAS REALLY BECOME.
Not, a about a controversal topic!!!
Not even about same-sex marriage rights!!!

THIS IS SIMPLY ABOUT THE REALITY OF HOW SOME "RIGHTS" HAVE NOW OVERTURNED OUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Someones rights to behave a certain way have literally overturned the right to disagree with them...which USED to be called FREE SPEECH, a RIGHT which ALL AMERICANS at one time had!

*Warning* I have felt this strongly about this Freedom of Speech since I was "asked" to cease meeting with a Bible Study group (before school) while an Athiest group was allow to form a school sanctioned CLUB on campus!** The school eventually saw the law for what it is, in allowing a Faith-Based "Athiest" group, they were forced to allow a Youth for Christ group as well. Only by fierce determination of some willing teens.**

Don't believe me? It true! Look up the courts rulings regarding new "hate speech" language or try to do some real research on what new "hate laws" have been developed IN THE DARK over the last 5 year. Heck, go back further and you'll find even that the last decade has a flurry of activity of new laws seemingly to "protect" us from public forums of hate gatherings. The problem with the wording on some of these laws is that it only describes the "hate" talks by it being seen as offensive by any group or set of people.

The logic may be there, but the intent of current lobbiest is to group Pastors, people like Carrie Prejan and normal Americans who have a public forum, who speak out! Unfotunately, the laws are so generic that it HAS ALREADY BEEN APPLIED to Pastors who READ ROMANS 1 in their churches!!! (Rights of the church and believers are under attack in THE NEW AMERICA!)

I pray you look into it yourself. I pray that this nations people turn from their laziness and become involved in the local governments activities and as the largest election approaches soon to make a difference that people will REALLY GET INFORMED about the hidden agendas of the politicans running for re-election (find out which group gives them money and you'll find out the agendas they will "sneak" into bills)!


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