Green lawn doesn't mean green grass!
Grass, is green, but so are so many Florida native weeds! Yes, my bog is somewhat about grass, I know I couldn't believe it either!
The grass is not always greener on the other lawn and in some cases their green lawn ISN'T even grass!! We just can't let it all get us down. I mean, you should be striving for some sort of measurable success just not based on the nieghbors next door.
Let's face it, contemplating grass in a deed restricted community isn't all it's cracked up to be and I never really even thought I would find myself in this situation. (I was such a country girl long ago.) Life is what it is in these Floridian parts of the country, and although there are some rather nice communities without deed restrictions it isn't working out to be inviting to own a home in, or a plot I can afford at this phase in our lives. And although some will understand the plight of the grass deed restrictions we can really all relate I promise.
Some have that lady in the Bible study who has a new stylish pair of shoes each week. Some of us wonder about the people down the street and how in the world they could afford such a car in this economy. There are those of us who tend to look at our checking account and imagine "what if" scenerios reagrding some "other" life style that must not be hurting this much! A few of us pretend we don't think anything along these lines until we are trying on swim suites and ... we won't go there, but you are thinking it no matter what size you have to walk to the counter with. And then there are a LOT of us that talk to our neighbors, ask them what lawn service they are using (since we know they must be cheating in this conservation lot community) and we secretly hope they slip up and claim to water more than the law allows or use fertilizer that isn't "approved" for our water front properties. (Ok, retention ponds in Fl are really water front, why I don't know, but at least it's 5 acres of water!)
Here's my point I will make as fast as possible, we all tend to drift off into comparisons when the ultimate comparison has already been given. ~ Proverbs 8:17
"I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me."
The green grass, the new run way look, the sexier body (the one who isn't blessed with 3 child births under her hips), the "happier couple" that seem just to just never disagree, the FILL IN THE BLANK life that you are oh so shy of; doesn't exist in reality. They are all facades just like my greener "lawn" neighbor who has more crabgrass than he can manage!!! Sure it's green, but so are clovers.
God's love should be the only thing we constantly check our compass on. Seeking God's love will always pull your life, your health, and your relationships heck, even your home into a more perfect place than you could've imagined. When we work on our focus and we focus on finding God, He finds us... and restores all that we wished we could have except with more abundance! You see, a beautiful lawn doesn't happen by itself and neither does a beautiful life, because only the Giver of Life can make that happen.
Now, go fertilize your grass with naturally stinky stuff, do something selfless for your spouse, call your parents just because, look in the mirror at your figure beautifully marking the joy of that first kiss from your newborn, or simply remind yourself that we all have something better than money could buy.... a Savior, Friend, Strong-Tower and Refuge waiting for us to seek Him.
Labels: In The Walk