Sunday, November 29, 2009

Society's Perscpective? My perscpective?

My family has what most would refer to as a "history" of mental illness or "different" personalities.  I must say that as any introduction, this is not typically included in my first couple of conversations with new faces.  Why not?  Well, I think it is obvious that it is not something we would refer to as positive traits in people. Even though the likelihood of stats would suggest that we all have an eccentric family member and some of us have those that talk to cats....we don't all like to introduce our dates to them!

I very much love my family and to me (somewho who understands their quirks) they are just part of a diverse family.  Even as my nephew was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome I understood the difficulties and the trials of relating to him on his level, but watched others view my sister in judgmental ways.

However, I felt about my family or the history of having that strange uncle or that really eccentric aunt I have recently read a book that changed every thought I once had.   This book was called "The Short Bus, a journey beyond normal" by Johnathan Moore.  Beyond the strangely titled cover, this book fought itself about the social necessity of ab-normal labels with the rather blunt reality that some people are simply not ever going to "fit in" to what society feels is a self-reliant citizen.  Johnathan Moore was himself diagnosed with learning disabilities and placed (however inappropriate) in a special ed class and began a journey that some have considered a road to normalcy but what John describes very differently.  He interviews many others who are labeled with different disabilities or syndromes or even ADHD throughout the book.  I immediately saw some similarities to those I knew and then saw the drastic differences as well.  The most interesting thing about this journey in the book is the way John mixes his years of learning disability studies (Brown University) within the book to give the reader an actual understanding of each "label" and where it came from, the "discovery" from the doctors and even what become of those labeled throughout the recent history.

This book is compassionate and informative and is written from the perspective from someone who ahs lived a life being "labeled" so the information is written with sensitivity but also the cruel reality of what young children and young adults really think about "normal". Be aware and clearly warned that vulgar language is used to express the anger toward society and in some instances to simply ease the tension within a situation described.  This author is authentic regardless of what others may judge it as.   So, read it with an open mind that you (even if you are a caregiver to someone different) may not have the WHOLE inside tract on what may lay ahead of the journey.

I am compelled to handle many situations differently and I look at my own struggles with the norm very differently. How I describe my sons learning struggles will be much different than I have for the last two years. Different is good.  Different requires a unique path but does not indicate abnormal.  The society has changed everything we see and even taken it a step further with selective reproduction.  A subject many don't like to talk about but none the less a subject vastly changing the need for our society to understand those with down syndrome or special needs or disabilities and especially physical deformation.   You may not even be aware that almost all of the fetus' in this country that MAY appear with a disability are immediately aborted.  REALLY!!! I didn't make that up.  Some of the tests are even standard in all OBGYN offices and most of those offices will not tell the same young women the rate of false tests results.  Resulting in a vast number of babies (pending your definition so I will stick with mine) who are disgaurded as abnormal so that the parents or society doesn't have to "deal with" any of the unknowns.  You can say what you want about the right to choice, but understand that testing progression and fetal development research is not always looking out for how to create the God-given social enviroment but instead looking out for what they deem as the "standard of normal". 

What's your normal?

Is there normal in our society?

My last thought on this subject would be my 7 year old's realization recently, "If I was just like everyone else, we would all be very boring." 

I pray that you read controversial books like this one that compel us to reach within ourselves and tackle ALL of these issues and gain some understanding of just what we are judging when we use certain vocabulary considered politically correct. 


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Needs some Sugar!

While baking some delicious cookies, a small little person came between me and the baking. Ultimately, his goal was to see what I was doing but what happened instead was a large powdering of a small little boy. I was too busy and had too much to do to get angry.  I took a deep breath and told my little one to stand still! I ran for the camera and snapped a quick picture or two and began the cleaning. 

This cleaning had to happen fast, because the oven was ready to have a batch taken out and the batch (you can hardly see on the counter) had to go in before the dough began to rise.  This was the fastest cleaning job ever and the little guy was not happy with the confectioners sugar in every corner of his clothes, or hair.  But boy was it a moment to remember!!!

Gratitude can come in many forms of praise. My children long to be with me and I see this as a form of praise.  They love me so much that they want to be involved in my life.  I am involved in their lives in every aspect still because of their ages.  They are good with boundaries but would much rather see and experience everything I am working on.

My God wants to be involved in my life too.  When I deny him, I am normally the one that ends up in the mess and He is normally the "Cleaning Crew" of my life.  My messes are not as easily "fixed" and I typically hurt myself or others.  But regardless, my God helps me refocus with a loving hand.   

Surprisingly, just as this little curious guy was actually the first to taste the dessert....God always has a blessing waiting for me when I welcome His involvement after my poor decisions.   

"COOKIES FOR EVERYONE!!  Sugar's On the House!" 

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Birds of a Feather...

Right? Yes, I do believe this little saying is true. There is much to be said for a field full of different types of birds, but let something scare them and they disperse into the sky with their specific species.
Sure, there are many reasons and comparisons for this behavior. Those are not my point, but only a reminder to stick together my friends! When we find others who are like in Faith or who lift us up in prayer, it does us good to mingle with everyone, but when in danger or when temptation comes near - PLEASE find someone of Faith who can watch your back and support you!
Although, I should also say a quick reminder to everyone of like faith to seriously ask yourself if you help mend the wounded or if you pour vinegar on their wounds? Be cautious when someone comes to you broken or scared or torn or even in sin looking for redemption. God has not called us to be judge and jury, He called us to help, to guide and to Love one another.
Be Blessed!



I have recently taken my 4 year old daughter to a Veterans Memorial in Tuscaloosa, AL. She happens to be a huge GI JOE fan (thanks to her dad) and was amazed at how small some of the real life transportation vehicles were. In typical 4 yr old fashion, she surprises me at every turn with wisdom that she has given a lot of thought.

We stared at the memorial in silence. As she looked over to wipe away my tears she asked me what a memorial was. In a quite prayer, I explained that a memorial is something we build or construct or keep to help remind us of something. I said a quite but audible prayer to the sovereign Lord to watch over the current men and women fighting for our country in every area of service.

She asked a few questions about the jeep and the plane but what really caught her eye was this helicopter. "Daddy has one of those!" she exclaimed when we first drove up. Funny, because her daddy simply has a GI Joe helicopter which to her is apparently the same as having one in life size! One of her questions cut to my heart more than any other and it has taken me some time to decide how to put it in this blog. Very strangely as we talked about the names on the walls she began to piece it together in her little mind. Puzzled she inquired, "Why do those real life GI Joe's want to die anyway mommy? Is there bad guys like Cobras?" I pondered for at least a minute before answering my delicate sweet daughter. I wanted to tell her 'No, of course not!' But on the other hand I knew that if not put into some tangible terms she would feel lost and in typical girl fashion worry about what she didn't understand. Finally as a few more tears surfaced on my face I stated something like this, "You know what Madisen; there are always brave men and women who are willing to protect us and none of them want to die but sometimes that just happens. And just like we tell you not to talk to strangers, there are some times bad guys....But Jesus promises to always be with us, He said we don't have to be afraid of the bad guys."

It was almost as humbling as standing at the edge of the ruins of the WTC in NYC. I thought this would be a great experience (we were right there at across the street from the memorial) that I should seize. I was not prepared for my bright daughter to so deeply question my own beliefs.

As people I know currently serve this country, and as relatives I loved gave parts of themselves to previous wars, I could not escape the cost of war. Mentally, or physically, or sometimes in life itself the statement is always true that All Men Gave Some but Some Men Gave All. I pray often and frequently for my freedoms, my friends, their families and my family to cherish and honor the brave.

My soul wonders if the spiritual war in this land has been given as much thought in the churches today as the war in the Middle East consumes the media. I pray that our eyes are opened to the war all around us and the sad casualties that are taken every day.

Thank you for reading my ramblings ~ Be Blessed.

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