Warning Signs
Although, as drivers we usually see these signs and groan about the possible slower traffic or detours ahead. What would we do without any warning at all?
I am a planner, and organizer so I appreciate warnings. However, I am typically irritated at how close the signs are to the actual danger. My FAVORITE example are the crazy "Watch for Rocks" or "Falling Rocks" signs that are literally too late to prepare for any pending dangers! You are driving around mountains, cliffs and hills which take you to the sign and passing through the danger at the same time. You can relate to the other signs like "Dip" or "Bump" that are meant to warn us and seem to never be placed far enough away to slow the car to a safer speed. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?? So, I like the signs that tell me "...500 feet" or give me some idea of danger well enough in advance. That's just me.
My personality of organizing doesn't always fit into the situations I find myself in during this road of life. There are a ton of situations that give you no warning at all (car accidents) and the times when you see a warning sign but not early enough to keep out of danger (chicken pox). My desire for having everything planned out with a list, supplies and emotionally ready just doesn't always happen. So, what do I do when there is no real warning in life? I hold on to the only thing that makes sense to me...the ultimate warning sign for all of life: John 16:33 (Contemporary English Version) "I have told you this, so that you might have peace in your hearts because of me. While you are in the world, you will have to suffer {trouble, tribulations}. But cheer up! I have defeated the world." *{other translations use these words}
Maybe the warning signs on the road are so close to the hazard in order that we may not lose focus on watching for danger?
I know that John 16:33 was written a long time before I arrived so maybe this warning sign just wasn't placed close enough to the pending hazards! None the less, Jesus wanted us to know that it was reality to suffer and yet we should find joy in the peace of knowing He defeated the world.
...Cheer Up, Jesus defeated the world. WOW...cheer up...a rock may hit your car...a deer may run out in front of your vehicle...a bridge closure will re-route your trip by 50 miles...this road is covered in ice...this bridge is too low for your RV...
How about:...Cheer up...life is hard...someone will disappoint you...your parents will die...people will make fun of you...you will out-live your pets...a child might throw up on you...you may fail at your career choice...
I must believe that watching for danger doesn't mean leaving my car behind and never going on any more drives. I must believe that watching for a hazard only means to keep my eyes open and focus on the path ahead. (Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.") Maybe if I let the word light the way, new signs will become visible?
If we will all face hazards, troubles and we will all suffer in some way then how can a sign even help? It doesn't always help, but the one who created us wanted us to know that He loved us enough to take the time to let us know what we would face...with Him right beside us. Although there are plenty of dangers that we never have to walk through because He puts people or things in our paths that delay or reroute our lives in such a way to bypass true disasters EVERYDAY.
I can't plan for when or where all the time, but I can steady my heart to trust that somehow I will make it through. Galations 6:9 "So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up."
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