Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dreams equal open doors

One of my very good friends will graduate with her doctrate in a few weeks. I am so proud of her to fight through all that life has poured out on her and finish such a large task. The unseen work and countless hours of research will seem to pay off. The real payoff is the experience and life that has happened since she started on the journey. And all the detours and re-directions that brought her to this point.

One could argue that the search for her degrees allowed her to experience more in life than she could have read in a book. Although, without the goal in sight, there are may have never been the search for some of those open doors.

So, I have been thinking about how we can seem to wander around aimlessly. When we see a goal, dream or desire that is off in the distant future we tend to gravitate to open opportunities that will lead us to the goals.

Why is it so hard to commit to a goal and be willing to change direction if we become different people and begin to desire different things? I am so glad that my goals for 20 years ago are still reachable but I am also thankful that a few of them evolved over time. I can't imagine what God actually has for my pathway, but I know that my ultimate goal will come to pass as long as I keep dreaming and working toward it.

Without goals or dreams we may end up somewhere we like in life, but we won't always get there via the fastes road. Our dreams serve the purpose to keep us moving and working and they help keep our head up!

Proverbs 21:25 "The desire of a lazy person will kill him because his hands refuse to work."

I challenge you to think today about the inner desire you had or still hold on to. Is it to create something? Be unique? Be successful? How can you start doing those things today, and work toward fulfilling your inner desires? Success after all is in the feeling not the monetary!



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