Popularity vs Being a Slave to Christ?
10-12Do you think I speak this strongly in order to manipulate crowds? Or curry favor with God? Or get popular applause? If my goal was popularity, I wouldn't bother being Christ's slave. Know this—I am most emphatic here, friends—this great Message I delivered to you is not mere human optimism. I didn't receive it through the traditions, and I wasn't taught it in some school. I got it straight from God, received the Message directly from Jesus Christ. "

Wait a minute......
As I was reading Galations 1, it appears that I must have missed something. So, I opened up the Message Translation to get a more modern look at it. I was rightfully in awe! Paul was serious about speaking out against manipulating Christ's message!
What would Paul say about the Western Churches that we find all across America? Would he be pleased that they are preaching the message he was commissioned to preach? Would he speak this same sermon in Gal 1 to all of us? Are we to blame for not seeking Christ as Paul did?
I love to read Paul's sermons for the reason that I can never really imagine the live that he lived but that I can understand all of his letters. I often wonder how he can relate so to the modern era. Then, I grab a hold of this nugget, and realize that we (Americans) really are led to the slaughter by whoever sounds better. Paul is calling back those that he preached the Gospel to and expecting them to be accountable to the God who gave them salvation through Christ. To my ears and heart, this passage rings loudly to the host of church leaders across this country who, unlike Paul, yearn for the popularity versus really being a slave to Christ.
How does this affect me and you? Well, friends, Paul is asking us to return to the TRUTH of Christs message. Can you declare the statement that Paul says brought him to the mission field? Did you learn the ways of man, did you receive Christ through traditions or seminary? Or did you have a personal encounter with Christ himself who met you somewhere on an abandoned path in your life? Did you find a savior when you called out to God?
I would challenge myself, and also challenge you to reconnect with the Christ who met you in the depths of your humility! Find the Truth about who you claim to serve in the Word of God....the living breathing Life that Christ died for was YOU.....Have you left the Biblical Theology to others to discover for you OR do you know Christ's Call on your life because He has spoken to you PERSONALLY through his Word?
Be transformed by the personal encounter of calling on God and having Him met you right were you are! Read the Gospel of Jesus, read the Sermons of Paul in Galations and see what a real apostle (called by God) says about Christ's Call to us!
Lord, may you reach those that have been led to believe in the twisted lies of man....of generations of misled people who intended to gain popularity for the sake of Christ; instead of committing to be a slave for Christ and allowing Jesus to save the masses. Forgive this land of unbelieve that has left a nation crumbled in disobedience that was once held by God as blessed. Father, restore us to you, simply allow the 'crisis' of this nation to bring us humbly to your truths that may set us free. Continue to bring me to a place where I am able to be trained by leaders around me and yet still seek God's personal message to me so that I may not be led astray by those who seek to manipulate. Thank you for your living and breathing messages in the teachings in the Bible that reach me, touch my heart and give me an understanding of your amazing love for me. Amen ~
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