My body and mind are exhausted from months of preparation and a week full of hustle and bustle to pull together an event to really reach a community. After such a long preparation we tend to want a certain level of success to feel as though our contribution to this community was significant. God's plan is not to always allow us to physically SEE the impact we have on people and places. In 2 Corinthians 5:7 "we walk by faith, not by sight" should be our guide to remember not to let our EYES get in the way of what God is asking us to believe by Faith.
For an event like what we were a part of this past weekend many people can look at the events similar in the past and count success in: the number of tickets sold, items sold at the event, artist contributions to revenue and even in a head count of people. This event was not like the other events in so many ways, but Man's Success was not a tool we were using to measure this weekend's accomplishments. Instead, there were NO tickets sold to this completely FREE event, there were no restrictions on coming & going, so people freely left & returned, the event was not asking bands or artists to contribute anything and other people (not affiliated with event) tried to distract funds in the parking area. Ultimately, this FREE event could not be measured in the same standards as those events of the past. This wasn't about meeting a financial goal but about meeting practical needs of people within the community and bring awareness to some of those needs.
2 Corinthians 2:17 "Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God."
Titus 3:14 "Our people should learn to spend their time doing something useful and worthwhile."
Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Jesus' responses to Peter as Jesus asked, Do you love me? When Peter said yes, then Jesus declared; "Feed my Lambs", "Take care of my Sheep", "Feed my Sheep".

When you use the Word of God as a meter for success, you find that God grants you the favor to feel that toiling for a good work was not in vain. God's Kingdom living is the kind of life that requires much of us even when we don't get a reward here on earth. As we learn in Matthew 6:19-20 "Don't store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break in and steal them." We can not gain rewards both here and in Heaven so, the eternal rewards MUST outweigh our mindset to gain something here on Earth. We have to change our thinking to reveal our Faith in the seeds planted, the harvest that was watered and the few people we are able to guide into the Kingdom as the MOST SUCCESSFUL adventure of our lives. We should be working on these things all week, and at events like this three day community outreach we have to understand the BLESSING in seeing all three stages being prayed over at the same time.
* The family van full of people who could NOT get over the genre's of music all in the same place. This family was by far the funniest family I met this past weekend. The dad (of course) had no idea what "Hard-core" was while the mother pretended to know what "Indie" music meant. The teens in the back were completely excited that in one stop they could get a taste of all the music styles they liked as one teen was definitely more into the hip hop than his sister. Talking to this family and explaining the mission of the event and CONVINCING them that it really was free was a joy! They may not have stayed for the entire event, but that family was moved with compassion at anyone hungry could eat, and laughed a lot at the lack of knowledge of their parents at the kind of music they liked. I know God's voice of Love was heard in that family van when they piled back in.
*By Saturday night I noticed that a sweet looking pregnant lady and her tiny little daughter had not ever really left the grounds. She had walked onto the property earlier that day. By nightfall she did walk for what seemed like as far as the eye could see to what we could only assume was home. Early on Sunday morning as we were trying to kick off our Palm Sunday Worship...I saw her and her little girl walking from down Bloomingdale. My sister and I even noted that she had noticed her too. They had come and seemed to be waiting for the day to start, but really they were waiting for someone to tell them breakfast was served. They ate breakfast in no real hurry but eventually ate breakfast again. What a joyous look that precious little girl had to enjoy herself some pancakes? By afternoon before the storms hit, they both had a plate of chicken and I didn't really take notice until the rain came, that they had then had another plate of free chicken. The things we notice when times are quiet, but I began to ache as I realized that this pregnant mom was indeed finding a need met here in this pole barn, in a regular looking weekend, she found enough food to fill their bellies.
*Parking Lot:
So many stories came from working the crowd of people while they were in their cars. Honestly, it was not the place I expected to be, and Asa really did not feel so excited about serving in the parking "department". (jokingly noted as a department) God made sure that we had a front seat to the needs that were being met and we had a unique opportunity to actually spread the good news of why this "Jesus Village" comes together for events like these. I know that having the understanding about Glen & Linda Clark ( and how they bring local ministries together with local & regional artists allowed us to speak the truth in a concise manner without "teaching" another volunteer how to explain it. Although, I always ask Linda how she wants us to speak "to" the ministry, just for a refresher!
So, we saw and met the moms who were touched by bringing their kids for a free fun time on the bounce houses; the parents who were reached by feeding their family; the adults who could not get over the blessing of free music was by far the most surprising reaction; and the countless people who just couldn't believe it was really all for free. The point here was that everyone left different than they entered, for the better.
I have never seen so many people bale out on something they have committed to do or when some people offered donations of equipment but didn't follow through. It was shocking to me, but everyone who was there & everyone who did commit or who donated equipment WAS SUCH A BLESSING!
The team of people that prayed, and worked for months to ensure the success of this event were changed by the event for the better. The family that inspires us all were even more amazing during putting this event together because more things were difficult about this event than any other to date for them. It was stressful by any stretch and I can not even imagine but I have prayed for them throughout this planning and the event process. I can tell you that at every chance 7 of the Clark family members were working long hours on this festival. They each invested many hours of sweat, and some of them invested many days of hard labor. I heard volunteer after volunteer explain how much they were inspired by their compassion and dedication. Few volunteers understand the real sacrifice that this family makes, but God blesses them in ways we could only imagine. Really, their compassion is a RESPONSE to who they KNOW God is and HOW MUCH HE LOVES THEM. They draw their strength in Him.
The other volunteers who showed up each inspired me in a way that only each could. I am really grateful for getting to met each part of the team.
I am forever different because of this festival at this time in my life. I can, and without much pain make a large difference. Offering without sacrifice means nothing.
Labels: food, In The Walk