Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mom thoughts...family adoption....

I have had the joy of being a mom to children who could possibly be the best and the worst children. I love them dearly!

Today we celebrated my son's 7th birthday. The oldest child turned 13 this year...soon to be 14. I birthed the 7 year old but have felt the same love for the 13 yr old on their birthday. Which has made me ponder this week, how God must have designed it all.
As a mother, real motherly love can be given to anyone once you know how to find it. I mean, I know that unimaginable love I have for my child when the labor pains are over and a flood of emotions are rushing in on you. I also know that same sweet joy that builds over time with an 'adopted' child that equals the same love for a birthed child.

Adoption either physical or emotional is very much a choice though. I could choose to not open my heart to any other child but 'mine'. Some can make that choice from the beginning without really contemplating all that they will miss. There are always choices....

I have known people who will never accept a child as "family" unless they were "birthed" into that family the traditional way. It saddens me greatly now that I know the joy of the rewards. I know that those same people have the ability to love others, and do, they may even love the "unacceptable" family members to a degree. But in their hearts, those people never really see those children as "family" instead they view them as outsiders who are on the inside. (Waiting to be loved.)

God choose me. He decided to send His son, to make the "exchange" to adopt me into His "family"! The Bible describes the love of a Father who adopted us in a way that we don't deserve...we are the outsiders, but He makes us heirs to His throne, just as we were all the first born blessed son. WOW

I have the privilege of understanding His grace, and therefore I must return it by trying to show it to others. Mainly my children need to see His forgiveness, willingness to Love anyone and the compassion Christ showed others....in me!
My children are not unlike all children... they see through the crap! If I pretend to love the homeless but my kids never see me give love to them....they will know I am a fraud. The same with a child who is not completely accepted into a family. Those children (anyone's child) can and will be hurt by the hypocrisy.

I can only pray that my life can continue to reflect to them that I love each of them with a Godly love, and though I make mistakes, I am selfish more than I wish I was, and even though I can fall.....they see my desire to humble myself before God and I am transparent enough that they each know how very much I love them....I want the best for them and I will sacrifice anything in order so that they may learn just how much the Father really loves them too! I also pray for people who don't understand the Grace they can receive in Jesus. For the people who can't find it in their own hearts to love each of my children with the same Christ Love that they deserve. Father God in heaven, be with the hurting adults who have in turn hurt others, care for them where they are and heal their hearts the way only you can; help them to see that we are all the same sinners in need of your Saving Grace. Thank you for saving my life. Amen.

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